Your words can hurt or heal

Words have changed things in my life by making me look at things differently. Yes there was things that could changed the wording so they made people feel different. We could use more positive words when we need to get things done, and even when doing wrong use less hurtful words and talk about it.


I have impacted my parents and helping them a lot farming and helping my mom in the house. My characteristics were funny, helpful and a good friend. At my core I was always there for someone. I cared for the farm and not a single kueter. I made my farm the best it could be and made money. At age 40 I won the mega million 3 three times. I had a lot of interest in farm fishing and hunting. I was passionate about family. My legacy was the best farmer in 15 states and a hard working helpful old man.

Fake Meat

People are for the plant based meat but it has to be labeled right.  Some are against it because its not made from cows sheep or pigs.  The definition of meat is meat of a carcass of cattle, sheep,swine and goats. US house of representatives and Kanas House of Representatives. The bill is supported by the Kanas Livestock Association.


To amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to ensure that consumers can make informed decisions in choosing between meat products such as beef and imitation meat products, and for other purposes.Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled.

Thew Coronavirus and Agriculture….

Dr. Gray says the current Coronavirus outbreak has been traced to wild animals sold at a wet market in the Chinese city of Wuhan. It can affect animals and make them sick the same as me. If animals get it they will be sick and could pass it on to us we get things from china though imports so we get sick from the animals. Plants like cotton and rice we get from china the effects cows poop could get on the rice then we eat the rice. There could affect how many people can work if we get the sickness here and it could hurt us a lot.  Or it could help us have more jobs for people. In light of the coronavirus pandemic, White House economic council director Larry Kudlow says he doesn’t anticipate it will greatly impact the economy, but the United States is still helping China. As the coronavirus continues to spread, many experts are concerned over how it will affect global economies.

how things appear

I think there should maybe be a blog everyday so theres alway something to work on. If bad behavior they should have to pay for it. Ethan makes me messy around and not keep working. There should be daily points everyday on how good you work. I will work harder and stay on topic more.

not knowing

Theres more thing you don’t know then you actually know. Like what will tomorrow be like? When you will die? If you will ever get so sick that you might die? Where life will take you thought out your life? You don’t know if you will wake up tomorrow having a good day or bad day?


Most people don’t know that I have a big garden. I am actually shy and everyone knows. . I am not embarrassed by anything in my life a lot of people judge but it really doesn’t mater to me. .Yes everyone thinks I get everything handed to me, sometimes I get stuff but I work for most things.  I wish I could change how much garden we have I wish we had more so we could make even money. Also have no weed out in the garden. And end up having a store in Sioux Falls that we sell millions of dollars in a year.

about me

Most people don’t know that I have a big garend. I am actually shy. I am not embarrassed by anything in my life.yes everyone thinks I get everything handed to me.  I don’t wish anything was different I love my life.

Are you a Thermometer or a Thermostat?

Do you know someone that is a Thermostat Brayden. Doesn’t get off topic. If someone has a good attitude they would not give up. What does it take to live by a set of values you want things to live up to. I don’t agree people can make there own options they know what there doing. social media does play a big role in everything. you can change your values by working hard and doing the right things.